Christopher Lee, of Count Dracula Fame, Turns 93 Today. Probably a Real Vampire

Michael Sallustio

The Legendary Actor Turns 93 Today

Today the incomparable Christopher Lee turns 93 years old. Many of you probably know him from his roles in Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars Episodes 2 and 3, or virtually any other film by default. Seriously, the man has been in over 250 films in his career, which is 250 more films than Justin Guarini should have ever been cast in. quotes his films at having grossed over 2 billion dollars at the box office, and that’s just 30 of them.

Lee’s life is chock full of amazing accomplishments. Aside from being one of the most articulate speakers of the English language, he’s also fluent in French, German, Italian and Spanish. Before starting his career as an actor, he served in the Royal Air Force during WWII. From there he would be cast in some of the most iconic roles film has to offer, oftentimes reprising the role for years to come. He’s played Count Dracula a whopping ten times in his career. As if that weren’t enough, he also went on to play The Mummy and Frankenstein’s Monster. The only movie monster he didn’t manage to play was The Wolfman, probably because towering at 6’5″, audience members would have seen him as too unstoppable of a force for a silver bullet to kill.

Lee is also a classically trained singer who has a love for symphonic heavy metal with 4 albums to his credit, which is 4 more albums than Justin Guarini should have ever made. But probably most impressive is his ability to spread holiday cheer through the sheer harmonic power of heavy metal. Listen as Lee’s dark and booming vocals fill your heart with the Christmas Spirit.

You would think at 93, Lee would justifiably be slowing down by now, but according to IMDB he still has two films just on the horizon. Most of us will probably be lucky to still be able to watch films at his age.

So here’s to a Happy Birthday Christopher Lee, you’re a film legend and all around inspiration. We hope you have many more to come.

Michael Sallustio

Posted By Mike

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